Our reviews

* Papa's commends
Initially, we thought of hiring a limousine service that could have cost much lesser than the package tour. However, besides the thought of having to plan our own itinerary and meals, we need to decide on the hotel and the online booking prices are not cheap. Plus, we need to be responsible for all tolls, parking fees, entrance fees, etc. Without much debates, we had signed up with a local tour agent, Mr A who has been strongly recommended by our friends who had been to the trip 6 months ago. Now that we had done it, we are recommending it to you.

* Mama's comments
It was a budget tour package, so we did not expect too much but turned out to be very satisfying and fruitful trip for our entire family.
The sunset in Bali is gorgeous. If you have not seen the sunset in Bali, you have not been to Bali.

In conclusion, this tour package had given us peace of mind to sit back and relax, "where is next?" that kind of feeling. It was simply a perfect vacation for us!

* Elder Son's comments
I'm not really the type that likes shopping and all that, and prefer a more active holiday. So this tour package was quite a pleasant surprise for me since it was quite action-packed, even though one glance at the itinerary said otherwise. But even having said this, I wouldn't deter the more relaxed types from signing up for this package as there are very relaxing parts to this tour like that traditional Balinese massage session on the third day my mother must've gone on about somewhere in this blog. To wrap this up, it was a trip filled with loads of things to see, eat and definitely enjoy. I'd recommend it to anyone whose still on their limbs and want to make full use of them!

* Younger son's comments
Personally, my favourite segment of the whole trip was the lunch by the volcano because it was the first time I had seen a live volcano. It was a unique experience for me, especially having such a panoramic scene while eating lunch. I also had a whale of a time parasailing at Nusa Dua Beach. Although I had to be accompanied by an instructor because I am still a child, I had an exhilarating experience. The only seemingly unpleasant activity in the trip was shopping! My mom has an eye on artistic things so we were visiting places like wood carving and canvas painting galleries. The food in Bali was quite impressive too! I especially like the ayam bakar and ayam soto. All in all, I guess the pros overwhelm the cons, 9/10 would be my rating for this Bali trip!

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